Small and Emerging Small Business Enterprise (S/ESBE)
We are pleased to share that August Ash, Inc has been accepted as a Minnesota Small and Emerging Small BusinessEnterprise (S/ESBE). We are especially excited about the potential success this certification could bring us and our ambition is to become a leader in our industry.
Becoming an S/ESBE took some effort, but it was worth it in the end. We needed to meet various qualifications, one of which was having most of our workers live in Minnesota. By having the Minnesota S/ESBE Certificate, August Ash is given the opportunity to bid on specific state and local government projects, which can be a great opportunity for our business to expand our expertise and even help our own clients with their own government contracting goals. This certification allows us to access government contracts that may be unavailable to other businesses, giving us the chance to provide services to government entities and increase our market share. Additionally, it allows us to partner with other certified companies to bid on larger, more complex projects and give us the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the contracting process. It also enables our clients to use our expertise to help them pursue their own goals.
While August Ash just this year applied and was accepted as a S/ESBE company, we built the certification application in 2014. This past summer we upgraded and migrated the site from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9.