
MyMSPConnect MyMSPConnect
Project Types
Website Development UX & Visual Design
Professional Services
UI UX Development


Welcome to MyMspConnect, the hub for news and resources tailored to the MSP Airport community. This site serves as an essential tool for airport employees, providing easy access to specific documents, contact information, updated rules and regulations, and badging details. In collaboration with August Ash, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has enhanced the platform to ensure a more seamless and user-friendly experience for all.


- Clean up and simplify navigation items

- Relevant information is readily available (contact information, FAQ's, etc.)

- ADA/WCAG Compliance

- New branding that reflects MSP's but stands on its own

Finding the issues

To simplify the navigation, we first needed to understand how users were currently interacting with it and identify areas for improvement. We conducted a tree test with 31 current site users, achieving an overall success rate of 69% and a directness score of 70%. These results revealed areas of confusion and provided valuable insights for targeted enhancements.

Analysis Analysis

Treejack Testing Results

Homepage Homepage

Visually we wanted to keep the design simple and utilitarian. The goal of the homepage was to prominently feature pages and links that are being accessed the most, along with a large search bar that can search across content of the entire site.

Badging page Badging page

Through testing, discussions, and insights from the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), we discovered that the badging experience required significant improvement. We developed a solution to streamline over 25 pages of information into a single, centralized hub-style page. Our tree testing revealed that users frequently struggled with guesswork to find specific badging content. This new badging page addresses those issues, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

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